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HELGE by Simthinc.

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Project Helge

Strategic and Operative Descision Support

Helge is likely the world's most competent, advanced, and comprehensive decision support system for Swedish moose management. Helge not only provides an estimate of the moose population size. Within the same application, you can also simulate future hunting scenarios and analyze the outcomes of various management options. The hunt can be specified with multiple factors such as allocation, calf share, and gender. The secret behind Helge is an advanced digital replica of the actual moose population in the area. This digital replica is then used to simulate the effects of different management actions and the impact of predators. In short, Helge is

- An advanced computer model that simulates the dynamics of a moose population managed through hunting. Helge utilizes machine learning technology.

- A strategic decision support tool for analyzing the effects of various management strategies.

- An operational decision support system that simulates hunting with goals based on gender and age. Specific hunting restrictions can be introduced and analyzed within the system.

- An analytical tool for evaluating hunting and the size of the moose population.

Web: Christer Kalen, Simthinc.